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  • Astrid Fieuws Rue Pletinckx straat 27 Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 1000 Belgique (kaart)

workshop bookbinding #3, by tatsuya inuikawa
65€ (incl. material) / 14h-17h / no age / fr + visual language

now that we learned the tricks of the trade in #1 + #2, we can start binding a thicker book (by working with different quires).
Tatsuya teaches us the long-stitch binding, which has also endles variations (like the simple binding).
also this technique is easy to do at home without special binding materials.

*** a breef history … texts were bound together to store all knowledge and information. the bookbinding techniques evolved with the paper, ink and printing techniques. in the beginning, people bought the text pages from the printer or publisher and they went to the bookbinder who bound the pages together, depending on their resources, the bookbinder could finish the books with different cover + material techniques.

subscriptions / inscriptions / inschrijven

15 september

typo + print

28 september

calligraphy#1 / chancery