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August 2024 — welcome in the Vlaamse steenweg

And then from now on you are welcome in the Vlaamse steenweg 83, rue de flandre !

A year full of challenges, growth and changes - everything will be turned upside down for a while to find its place again. Intense but very enriching.

3 years ago I got the chance to rent a atelier in the Pletinxckstraat with my friend Bea Borgers - it was a safe start of a great adventure that had not yet formulated its destination. When Bea left the atelier 1,5 years later, I continued to develop my project and saw my chance to move my (grand)father's lead letters to Brussels. I could never realise this crazy dream without some pompon-girls&boys behind me. In particular, Gilles and Deborah where I rented the atelier. When I came with the idea of dive into the adventure of craft Gilles' eyes sparkled, despite he knows this was not so obvious, he gave me the confidence and timely advice I needed.

At the beginning of August 2024 I was allowed to move to the Flemish stone road. Thanks to the many - dear - helping arms that lightened the leaden move with me I was settled in no time. Everything got into place very quickly and it feels like I've been here for years. The many compliments about the atelier I have built up over the years and the added value for Brussels and the neighborhood make me blush. You may be in central Brussels, but the village feeling that exists here is insane.

I never said “ I have a store ”, but since moving here I can't get out of it. My atelier with its store already brought very nice encounters. With the door wide open, people come in and out. The three years of preparation make me very good at finding my niche in storytelling while packing and checking out the paper goods. My heart is full, and the stock is almost empty - time for realisations!

Time is going fast. While I am currently spending many hours in front of the computer to complete a graphic project, I have also replenished the workshop calendar with La Rivière Sèche and Enchantée from September. We are all very curious to see what the atmosphere in the new atelier will be like. One thing is sure ; we keep sharing the passion for ink and paper !

Oh yes, I'd forget ; but feel free to write down September 21 and 22, that's when there's the famous flea market in the vlaamse steenweg, rue de flandre. I'm already reserving a spot in front of the atelier, and the door wil be wide open, with bags of picnics, eternal enthusiasm, a tour in the atelier and .

(workshop) calendar:

02/09 paperrestnotebook by astridfieuws
49 € / 3h (14h - 17h) / all ages

08/09 open doors at Sara Delesie
a ceramist who combines her work with that of other Belgian artisans, welcome 10am - 4pm, Zwevegem

15/09 Typo+print : a personalized notebook by Astrid Fieuws
49 € / 3h (weekdays 6pm - 9pm & weekends 2pm - 5pm) / from 18 years

21/09 + 22/09 flea market rue de flandre
Perhaps one of the friendliest in the city and surrounding area.

28/09 Bookbinding workshop #3 by Tatsuya Inuikawa
65 € (materials included) / 10am-1pm / all ages / fr + visual language

28/09 calligraphy #1 by caroline, enchantée
44€ (incl. material) / 15h-17h / no age / fr + visual language

All information and registration

spotlight :

Visuals for the podcast “Mon arrière grand oncle nazi” by Jehanne Bergé (link)
Interview on BX1 about the collaboration with Jehanne (link)
Interview on RTBF about the studio and its craft (link)
paper talks with astrid fieuws and yves peiffer (link)
interview for “les grenades, rtbf” with jehanne berge (link)

Points of sale:

Sara Delesie Ceramics (Zwevegem) + Tantdemm-Graphic (Ixelles) + Studio Lundi (Saint-Gilles) + Papier Brussels (Etterbeek) + Studio Paus (Ghent)

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May 2024 — Quiet, but not unmoved

It was quiet for a while, but not unmoved.

The studio is taking a new direction in various areas, accompanied by some bumpy roads.

At the beginning of February, a new investment was made: I bought a 100-year-old pedal press (a press without electricity). It is a beautiful machine with a rich and emotional history. The machine belonged to Constant, the father of Georges, who used it to print all the village's work throughout his career. When I shared the news with my family, I discovered that the pedal press was also the first printing machine that my grandfather, Mizaël, bought to start the printing business with his brother. He worked on it for years.

In mid-March, we were supposed to move the machine from Limburg to Brussels, but it wasn’t ready to leave its previous owner. The heavy press couldn’t be lifted into the truck. Fortunately, as two days earlier, I had learned that the atelier would be sold and that a new atelier had to be found. For this search, all tips, help, and information are more than welcome, as it is a difficult search.

Various scenarios have passed by, but I would like to stick to the essentials. As some of you have already heard, Adriaan has been by my side since January. With his enthusiasm, socially engaged heart, and passion for typography, the perspectives of the atelier are being reimagined, and the (new) atelier is getting a new impetus. This happens, among other things, with the pedal press and the establishment of a non-profit organization.

In July, we will start the non-profit “Cicero”. This non-profit aims to organize personalized workshops for larger groups, focusing mainly on people on the margins (psychiatry, people with disabilities, the underprivileged, children, etc.). With the non-profit, our two puzzle pieces come together and strengthen each other.

With the pedal press, we hope to realize productions where the philosophy of the old craft remains central. For this, we focus on ecological and small-scale editions for music labels, beer, wine, food products, business cards, flyers, and similar items for (young) enterprises. The unique paper products where the recovery of ink and paper plays a central role also remain one of our activities!

With the current proof press, we continue to work during various workshops, but a concept has developed where you print your own projects. Because the time costs are the highest in most crafts, a collaboration has developed where the design and assembly are prepared, and the printing process is carried out by the customer. Ideal for wedding cards, invitations, business cards, birth announcements (printed by godparents), etc. This formula feels very good and has already delivered beautiful results and memories. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the studio for a day and hear the press rolling.

And before I forget… in this period of changes, a few very fine moments popped up that I am proud of. I had the honor of creating the visuals for Jehanne Bergé's podcast “Mon arrière grand oncle nazi.” The presentation was on stage at Flagey, and she invited me for a radio interview at Radio BX1, where I talked about our collaboration. Last Monday, I was on the radio again for an interview with RTBF (BXL Matin). This was on the occasion of the book “Know How 2”, a project by Contact Prisme Editions, which gathered various Brussels crafts – and I am one of them.

(workshop) calendar:

25/05 letter (design) by Camille Vinck
€49 / 3h (2 PM - 5 PM) / all ages

01/06 open doors at Sara Delesie's
A ceramicist combining her work with other crafts
Welcome from 10 AM to 4 PM at Eldorado Coffee Bar in Zwevegem

08/06 workshop bookbinding #2 by Tatsuya Inuikawa
€55 (including materials) / 2 PM - 5 PM / all ages / Fr + visual language

08/06 workshop @Parckfarm
For their 10th anniversary, Adriaan and I will be at Parckfarm to print garlands and cards with you. All information via Parckfarm.

15/09 typo+print: a personalized notebook by Astrid Fieuws
€49 / 3h (weekdays 6 PM - 9 PM & weekends 2 PM - 5 PM) / for ages 18 and above

All information and registration


Visuals for the podcast “Mon arrière grand oncle nazi” by Jehanne Bergé (link)
Interview on BX1 about the collaboration with Jehanne (link)
Interview on RTBF about the studio and its craft (link)

Points of sale:

Sara Delesie Ceramics (Zwevegem) + Tantdemm-Graphic (Ixelles) + Studio Lundi (Saint-Gilles) + Papier Brussels (Etterbeek) + Studio Paus (Ghent)

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november 2023 — jingle bell(e)s

papeterie / x-mas

after receiving my commercial label by the city of brussels and the invitation from Contact Prisme to showcase my crafts in the book Know How 2, where I am represented along with 40 other crafts here in brussels. I feel honored, and i am proud. it gives me the confidence to continue telling my story through workshops, my projects and work.

during the last two weeks of november, i am going to focus myself to create great little gift for your Christmas tree. imagine #handmade products with #recovery in paper, ink and glue. I still make #small-scale productions which makes sure you can find a lot of #unique notebooks, postcards and other #papergoods here in the atelier. if I can't recuperate the basic-materials, I have buy it, and do my very best to collect as much as possible at #local merchants, preferably by bike or on foot... i also hope you feel this effort in my work!

during the december month you can pop in and have a look in the atelier every day from 14h to 19h. i will lovingly wrap-up your gift, and there will be a big pot of nic-nac letters

* exceptionally closed on 03/12, then you can find me at @saradelesie (see below)

in the picture / 2 events

wikken en wegen*
08-10/12 from 14 to 19h
come and 'weigh and balance' your words by placing the lead letters on a scale which we will immediately transform into a unique postcard!
*a flemish expression, which means that you think consciously and search for the right balance

with this idea sarah from Haring Bookshop knocked on the door a few weeks ago. without any hesitation we put the agenda together to start a small event where books, ink, text, poetry and paper will be central.

Haring Bookshop is a nomadic bookstore with a wonderful selection of second-hand art(isan) books. during the weekend she will bring a selection of books that will be adapted to my story and the atelier….

Immediately we thought to invite Lieve Sukrani Simoens who will give a poetry reading where her words well be weighted and balanced on Sunday 10/12 at 16h perform (nl + en). 

i am really looking forward to it, the balance between the three of us was very quickly found, i am grateful and honored (already) ! 


creative pat(c)h
1 (17h-20h) + 2 (10h-18h) + 3* (14h-17h) / 12 / 2023
a very first edition where some people from the neighborhood of the atelier have joined their forces to create an artistic & artisanal route. the idea is to weave a patchwork between the artists and the merchants in the neighborhood — we hope to share with you a gentle reaction against the big and commercial Christmas market a few streets away.

open-typo-atelier / workshops

With the workshops I want to give a voice to all the crafts that connect the history of (book)printing. To do this, I work with professionals who are daily involved in the craft :

There is the fantastic bookbinder La riviere sèche, he is passionated and takes you into his world. he talks about paper and surprises me every time. i am grateful that he is a part of this calendar, and i feel that the people who have already followed him share the same opinion that is why a 3rd workshop bookbinding has been added to the calendar.

this summer, i bought a great book at the flea market on the history of letters and their evolution. i showed it to Camille Vinck, and she's now working on translating it into a workshop. on saturday 20/01, i'm organizing a try-out! so let me know if you feel like spending some time together on letter drawing!

Recently I also crossed Caroline from Enchantée, she has already been here several times to give a calligraphy workshop. She's currently back at school, so she takes a temporary break, but she'll be back! 

and oh yes... there are also my workshops where I take you through the history of the printing press, and where we print the cover of a notebook! Always in small groups, variations and fun!
+ because I can no longer make my paperrest-notebooks for sale, I've decided to pass on the know-how thought a workshop, so this way your paperrest at home can have a second life!

you can subscribe to the workshop newsletter, you will get a new calendar overview every month and I will share the new ideas with you there!

agenda :

01-02/12 creative pat(c)h / brussel, centrum

03/12 open doors @ sara delesie keramiek / zwevegem
an event I've had the privilege of attending several times now, don't hesitate to come and take a look at the handcrafted beauty of various creators!

08-10/12 wikken en wegen, a collab with haring bookshop / atelier astrid fieuws

selling points :
+ sara delesie keramiek (zwevegem) + tantdemm-graphic (elsene) + studio lundi (st-gilies) + papier brussels (etterbeek) + studio paus (gent)

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may 2023


I already told you that I wanted to take my papetery outside the walls of the atelier, well - whoever says, does!

For a while now I've been invited to Sara Delesie's open doors, which is the ideal opportunity for me to create something new and to test, feel and adjust where necessary. It's always a nice and cosy happening, the next open doors are planned for 04/06 from 10 to 16 in Eldorado. it's a nice place close to Kortrijk, where you can easily combine a city visit with a walking or biking trip to eldorado, to drink a nice coffee in combination with a look at a lot of handmade crafts.

You can also find a selection of my work at the shops of the fine (by chance) ladies of studio Lundi, tamdemm and the new store papier. I am proud to be part of their amazing collection!

Also the online shop Paper Milli sells my work. Nicolas believes it is also important to get to know the person behind the projects through a nice conversation.

And from Brussels to Ghent! I'm currently working on a specific collection for Studio Paus, something with frames and notebooks! and Blommm will also present my work together with their collection of defferent crafts!


frame-collab is looking for new (un)known artists ! I also want to mention that this is an ideal mother’s-, father-, birthday,.... gift! It's just a tip!

But what is frame-collab ?

It's my side project that has grown spontaneously. I ask (un)known artists that cross my way in the atelier to create a small and unique piece of art. These artworks are framed in the #universalpostcardframe, exhibited and sold in the atelier.

The combination is surprising, also the customer's choice is very pleasing. Every time I see a "coup-de-foudre" with a work and the buyer, no matter who made it. In those moments I realize that this is why I do this ; to show the beauty of something, no matter who or what is behind it.

The artists' reactions are very nice too, they are grateful that there is an accessible place to bring out their work. A place where everyone is equal with simple and easy rules! A place where they can express their ideas without having to take big steps.

open-typo-atelier / workshops

since 2022, I decided to build out the atelier into a typo atelier: a place where my (grand)father's lead letters may be given another life, a place that I needed myself as a starting designer to work out / finish my first projects - that is why i called it "open"-typo-atelier, accessible to anyone who feels the need.

it turns out that the history, technology and heritage fascinate me greatly.... I enjoy making connections between the past and the present. It makes me reflect on how we consume today; large quantities for less money with the result that a lot is thrown away and all at a very fast tempo. it inspires me and this topic is reflected in almost all my paper and print projects.

And that's not all... this inspiration, together with the old knowledge that I like to remove from the dust, to give it a new breath of life, is translated by different workshops (for which i’m collaborating with 3 crafts)

from binding sheets of paper into a small notebook, providing it with a personalized cover with different printing techniques, the leaves described with (calligraphic) letters ...

history teaches us that all these steps are linked to each other. that's why we give a 10% discount from the reservation of a second workshop !

Share this message with friends and family ! All workshops take place in small groups, so we have time for everyone's rhythm and ideas.

check all practical info & calendar

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February 2023


In the atelier I create handmade paper goods such as postcards, notebooks and frames. The red line and my inspiration is #nowaste and #upcycling. This results in a unique collection of cards and notebooks. you’re always welcome by appointment in the atelier (pletinckxstraat 27 - 1000 brussels) or via my website.

+ I’m also working on a B2B line. This means that my work will be available outside the walls of the atelier, and maybe a bit closer to your home. Tips and help for this are always welcome!

Points of sales ;
— open doors of sara delesie on sunday 12/03 where I will present a selection of my work and i will be there myself ;
— at lundi (elsene) + tandemm graphic (elsene) you will find my frames and other very nice paper materials from other artists
— in the online shop papermilly you will find some postcards and brute blocks


through my job I’m often in contact with artists who I invite to make a small and unique artwork for my side project : the frame collab.

for the artists it’s an opportunity to do something different or to try something new, to have a look through their old work/sketches or to make something completely new.

all the works are for sale at 50€, with this democratic price I try to give everyone the chance to have art in their home, and every artists gets the same chance to bring out their work.

frame-collab is a non-profit project where I try to develop a platform with work of (un)known artists, I do not play a role as curator or art director, this project is a pure selection with my 'guts'.

Take a look at the collection !

open-typo-atelier / workshops

Last year I have given my full attention to organizing and develope the opentypoatelier : the idea is to share the atelier with other creators so everyone can come here in the atelier to realize their own print-projects.

also, i like to share my passion for ink and paper with other crafts due different workshops

15/02 + 15/03 (18h-21h, 39€) : introduction typo + print
astrid shows different printing techniques in the traditional way, in the workshop we will print a cover of a notebook. (+ there is also a variant for youngsters).
18/02 + 18/03 (14h-17h, 40€) : introduction to bookbinding
la rivière sèche comes back to shows us the basics of bookbinding. the idea is to build up a next-level later this year.
04/03 + 25/03 (15h-17h, 35€) : introduction to calligraphy
enchantée will tells us more about the history of letters, from the time when the monks wrote books by hand. she will show us how we get to work with pen and ink to make beautifull letters
18/03 (10h-13h, 39€) + 26/03 (14h-17h, 39€) : handlettering
with camillevinck we will make a typographic poster with a typeface she designed especially for this workshop, what an honor.

(calendar + more info + prices + inscritpions)

newsletter - July 2022

I have rearranged my webshop a bit ; from now on you can order a small selection of my work by mail ! For the pièce uniques; notebooks and postcards (with images recuperated from books) - you better come by the atelier (I'm usually always there, but if you want to be 100% sure, drop me a message). but since recently you can also find a selection of postcards and frames at the lovely ladies of TANDEM

I also keep doing the nice open doors at Sara and Andreas' place with a lot of pleasure! Every two months their house is transformed and filled with handmade products by Belgian designers. If you're in the neighborhood, feel free to have a look.

> Sunday 07/08 from 10h to 16h in the Harelbeekstraat 59, zwevegem - unfortunately I can't be there, but I will be there for the next one on Sunday 02/10! 

Sat 09/07 and Sun 10/07, from 2pm to 6pm I'm organise an open-doors - this time there will also be ice creams because ...

It's a double celebration: from 01/07 on, I'll be here for two years in this fantastic atelier that I transformed into a traditional print shop since January! and it's also the opening of the open-typo-atelier (more info in the next point).

those open doors are called frame-it; an event where I highlight the participants of the frame-collab and where I like to add a little demonstration about typography/printing.

during that weekend, I'd love to tell you more about my open-typo-atelier, and if you want to join the frame-collab, it's a good moment to bring your work!

see then :) ?!

and yes ..... drum-drum-drum-drum .... finally!

the open-typo-atelier is ready! the past few months i've done a lot of cleaning and organizing! i did some tests with an enthusiastic public and it already gave great results!

in the open-typo-atelier you can make your own work; postcard / name card / (small) flyers / poster ... after you have taken an introduction class I will plan and organize your work together with you. I will show you the different steps and I am there to guide.

this is a project that I have been dreaming about for the past 10 years; I am trying to create a place that I needed myself a few years ago. a place where you can jump in without a hassle to have your book cut, or to make a typography work that you can print in small quantities.

as a child i grew up in a printing company, i saw many paper scraps flying into the trash - as a student i always said; it would be so good to have a place where you could keep all those scraps for students ; well, thanks to the support of drukkerij pungtaaf who gave me a table full of scraps, i can make this idea a reality!

newsletter - march 2022

This sunday, I'm invited again at Sara delesie's. She opens her doors and sells her ceramics. each time she select some other creator.sters to accompanied her work!
i will be there with my handmade and unique notebooks and postcards. You can also find my universalpostcardframes! I'm looking forward to it! It's always very cosy - my cousin Andreas (Sara's boyfriend), serves real cappuccino's! You can sit in the garden while you enjoy the sun (because apparently there will be some this weekend)!

Next to Sara's ceramics and my paper furniture, you will also find the handmade wooden bowls of mijn object and the plates of plankgoedjoeri vandekerkhove joins us with some great patéserie! 

> Sunday 06/03 from 10am to 5pm harelbeekstraat 59, 8550 zwevegem

Frame-collab is my side project that I would like to share with you! 

For this project, I'm asking artists to create a small and unique piece of art that I frame into my (handmade) 'universalpostcardframes'.  All the works are exposed in the atelier, and they are also presented on my insta page and website

> On 26/03 (from 4 till 8pm) I will give an event called "frame-it". During the "frame-it" I (and the other artists) invites you to come and have a look while enjoying a chippe’ke and drinks!
> The works are for sale for 50 € and will be divided between me and the artists (or the organization).
> Everyone is welcome to join. More information via astrid_fieuws@hotmail.com.

..... and with great pleasure I continue my printing story. 

the idea was to buy a Heidelberg original - after starting to follow next to the printer from time to time, I quickly realized that this would be a lot of weight on my shoulders. The night I realized this, two small proof-presses came online. - In the meantime, these two baby’s are already shining in the atelier and I'm having a lots of fun! 

Little by little the studio is transforming into a typo-atelier!  while my graphic project are contignuing, and bit by bit print-jobs are arriving. on the same time (almos) every week I'm going to assit at printing companies to learn the process of the Heidelberg. 

The chance that i will buy a Heidelberg is small at the moment, but I hope to develop the collaborate with other printing companies (puntgaaf and drifoset) because, my goal is to master printing and being able to make ‘your’ print work by myself because, with the Heidelberg you can realize so many beautiful things.......

my print and graphic hart melts

newsletter - december 2021

On this moment I’m transforming the atelier into a temporary shop! Every Thursday till Sunday I will be open from 10am till 7.30pm

Jump in and I will offer you a cup of coffee, tea, gluwhein or a warm cinnamon apple juice while you’re looking into my handmade paper-collection: You wille find postcards and notebooks. But also diaries, calendars and weekplanners. 

If you’re not from Brussels - don’t worry … you can find everything on my webshop!

— 09/12 till 12/12 from 10am till 7.30pm
— 16/12 till 19/12 from 10am till 7.30pm
— 23/12 from 10am till 7.30pm
— 24/12 from 10am till 4pm
* other moments by appointement ❤️ 

A spontaneous project is growing up, he got the name #frame-collab. For this project I’m looking for artists, writers, illustrators, photographers,… who would like to make unique works that I will place in the handmade postcard-frames. My ideal view is to see the wall in the atelier full of little artworks that we sell at a democratic price. Everyone is welcome to sent or bring a work. I believe in this project, and I got already nice reactions and works … i’m already curious to see the evolution of the wall!

If you know someone, or if you’re interest to participate, please let me know and I will give you more info!

My dear friend Bea Borgers / Rent a Picture is leaving the atelier. So I had to find a solution to keep this nice atelier…. After a visit from a neighbor, who thought I was a printer my eyes where twinkling because… yes this is what I actually always wanted to do! 

I’m currently putting everything in place to make it happen, I would like to install a Heidelberg Original (an artisan printing press). and finaly, i can move everything i already have from my parents place to brussels!

if you didn’t know yet… i'm from a printers family; my parents had a heidelberg in there printshop, and As a kid I literally slept above this machine, my grandfather was a typographer / printer, our attic is full of lead and wooden letters. and sometimes we say that ink flows in our veins. It’s feels like it has to be like this, ‘the word is out’! i’m so Exciting!